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Woman’s Ashes Scattered Then Family See Something Remarkable—’Reaching Out’

A woman grieving the sudden death of her sister has shared details of the strange occurrence that happened after the family spread some of her ashes.
Though opinions may differ on what form it might take, a significant number of Americans believe there is some form of existence after death. A recent RealClear Opinion Research poll of 1,000 U.S. adults found that 85 percent of respondents believe in God.
What’s notable, however, is that the same poll found 61 percent of respondents also believe in ghosts. Alex Ostebo from Miami, Florida, certainly believes there is something more beyond the world of the living.
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“I am spiritual, especially now that I’ve seen so much proof of Denali, my sister, reaching out to me,” she told Newsweek.
It’s been just over a year since Denali died on June 5, 2023, in unexplained circumstances. “There was no cause of death that they could find,” Ostebo said. “She was 29.”
Ostebo has endured a difficult year in the wake of such a sudden, shocking loss but she’s managed to live with the grief. “I’m doing okay,” she said. “I’m lucky to have a lot of amazing people in my life to help me through.”
What’s helped her get through this difficult time is the continued belief in the spiritual world and the idea that those we have lost are never truly gone. “I believe our loved ones send us signs from the great beyond,” she said.
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Over the past few months, Ostebo said Denali has sent her “signs” to let her know she is watching. Ostebo has chronicled some examples on her TikTok page.
In one instance, she captured a clip from the first time her family met up after Denali passed away. A rainbow cloud appeared in their backyard the moment Denali’s fiance arrived at the house.
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However, one of the most notable instances came at the new home of Denali’s fiance. While Ostebo and her family spread the majority of her sister’s ashes on one of her sibling’s favorite hiking trails in Alaska, her fiance asked that some be kept aside to be spread on the home he was building on his family’s estate.
“Denali’s fiancé decided to sell the house they shared and build his dream home somewhere new,” Ostebo said. “He wanted to spread her ashes in the new home so she’d always be with him.”
Ostebo and her family joined him in spreading the ashes in the newly laid foundations of the soon-to-be-built house before embarking on a trip together to Portugal. “It was a trip we’d planned to do together for a year before my sister passed. While we were gone the cement foundation was poured on the house,” she said.
When they returned, Ostebo said Denali’s fiance went back to the building site where something “stopped him in his tracks.”
“This heart shape had appeared in the dried cement,” Ostebo said. “He took a picture and sent it to us that next morning and we all freaked out.”
The distinctive heart shape that appeared was captured on a video shared on TikTok by Ostebo. At the time of writing, it’s been viewed over 15 million times. “We weren’t sure it would fade or disappear over time but it never did,” she said. “Even when he power washed it later on.”
While theories abound about how it could have gotten there, Ostebo believes wholeheartedly that “Denali blessed him with a special sign.”
Though some might be skeptical, it’s a notion that is helping her push through the difficult feelings that come with the loss of a loved one, which can only be a positive thing.
“I’m grateful to see my sister connecting with us. Love clearly knows no limits,” she said.
“I felt relieved to know she was happy and that she was giving us her blessing.” Ostebo is now planning to channel those beliefs into something unique. “I am writing a fantasy novel about her journey through the afterlife,” she revealed.
